On June 16 2008 a ground breaking ceremony, of sorts, was held at the site of the future Garden Gatehouse Village.
Reverend Barrish of Tsubaki Shrine in Granite Falls, Washington came to perform the Jinchinsai, a Shinto rite which is done prior to breaking ground for buildings. Respects are paid to the kami of the land about to be disturbed.
Bamboo poles held rope and folded paper at the building site. A mound of sand is placed to the side of the portable alter. The ceremony follows a series of moves:





pouring sake

burying an amulet, which later will be buried under the building.
Also a folded white paper amulet will be placed in the attic, together they, along with this ceremony will ward off disasters and misfortune during and after the construction.
Next, a cake with rendering of the Village on it was served with tea,

followed by a stroll through the garden to see the iris in bloom:

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