With siding done, the carpenters "wood-shops" were cleared out and room was made for the PME sub-contractors to work.

First step was to sort out who was going to do what where and what order.

The mechanical space is limited. Black tape (blocking out large items, such as the refrigerator), cut sheets (describing items such as fans, washer/dryer) and paper cut-outs (locating items such as ducts and stove pipe) helped bring some order to the sandbox so the subs could play nice.

First on the scene was Steve, the ace plumber.

Running lines and leaving us to ponder what to do with exposed drains below the 2nd Level's metal deck.
Then David and Cory, the ace electricians, started runnng wires...
,,,and setting the many panels need for typical electrical uses, as well as photovoltaic and the elevator.
The last to have a turn was the HVAC team, who, on a day I was not there, came in, placed one of the heater-fan combos, and retreated waiting for instructions.
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