Someone must have said that tiling is the most difficult part of the job. Especially when one is hoping to use up left-over tiles (green) from a previous job along with new tiles (red), only to learn, when the new ones arrive, they are not the same size.
What to do?
Off to the tile store and get yet ANOTHER tile (yellow). Which more or less matches the red ones in size and character. And put the green ones back in storage (maybe they can be used in some future project. Or sold on Craigs list...).

We got a price quote from a very good tile person to install our shower's crazy scheme. We compared that with the cost for marriage counseling, which may be required after doing it ourselves. The counseling would be cheaper.
Zhufeng cleans off excess thin-set from a completed section of the back wall.

Although bought over a year's or so ago, the Ikea high storage, the medicine, and the vanity cabinets all fit together pretty well, in spite of their non-verbal instructions.
Next is for the counter-top people to come and make a template, go away, return two weeks later and install it.
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