But ruins not! The forms are gone, the NEW walls stand firm and tall. We all know this view from the gazebo. Can you recall looking out and trying to imagine where the first courtyard would be and how big it would be?

Looking south thru the Main Gate.
Forms from various low walls are being removed, and large drain pipes are being added. The rain waters will drain north, under the Main Gate to a retention pond in the Future Welcoming Courtyard. I suppose in the future, they will drain into the Pond and down to the Lake.
Meanwhile, another major piece of the pie is getting underway.

Matt of TurnStone is working the smart end of the survey equipment. That is KJ site supervisor Robert on the other end....

TurnStone will turn this area (the NE corner of the site) into a water feature which will flow from inside to outside of the courtyard.

A concrete cutter has just bored a hole between outside and inside.
In the SE corner, the best part of this phase of construction has begun: backfilling.
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