There are always junctions in the construction process.
One part phases out with a flurry of clean up and sweeping;
the next part(s) gets staged and laid out.
Here the ever industrious Jack makes his way
through the future Southern Courtyard.
Re-bar, plywood, braces, scaffolding, etc. are being moved away.
The sidewalks of the Encircling Corridor's west side
are poured and swept clean.
The leak windows give a hint of what a
stroll down this corridor looking into ZCY will look like.

The metal plates in the walls and sidewalk
have been cleaned and marked, ready for the steel framing.
Jack shows what a multi-function tool a hammer really is:
here, a back scratcher.
From the NE looking at the East Wall's east elevation,
the wall with leak window on the bridge
over the pond is in place.
(Jack sure gets around.)

Here the same wall and leak window from the Courtyard.
We can hope that our finished leak window grill
will be more refined than K-J's...

When a wall gets poured up against an existing wall,
it is tough to get clean joints. Peter chips away excess concrete,
and has no need to go to Gold's Gym later that day.
Looking northerly from the SE corner of the courtyard,
the initial drain and supply lines for the pond are on the right.
To the left, the last walls at the Main Gate
are still wrapped in their plywood forms.

Meanwhile, "out back", on the west side of the courtyard,
Stein moves ahead laying out the walls for the restrooms.
Yeah! REAL toilets!!

Seen through squinting eyes, and a tree at SMT garden,
one can sense what the completed courtyard will be like.

And at least one of the denizens of the area has already moved in. A Killdeer plover has scratched a shallow in the gravel amid left-over re-bar.

When she isn't busy luring people away from the nest
with her feigned broken wing routine, she gets some sit-time on them. But I fear nesting in the middle of a construction site is not conducive to successful incubation.
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